Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there and all those that are with the angels now too.
Just sharing here a few treats I got my mother: some flowers, Krispy Kreme donuts, Scottish short bread cookies and as if all those treats aren't enough to break down the teeth, I also made Sans Rival (Buttered Cashew Layered Meringue Cake), which is a Filipino dessert and then a Burberry perfume :)
I made this Sans Rival cake as my mum wanted one for a while now so I Googled search a recipe and clicked on the first one and the cake turned out good.
The cake is sweet and soft but the icing is quite liquidy and was actually oozing out of the cake so I put it in the fridge to harden it a bit and re-iced the cake.
It's also really sweet so I only put a thin layer of icing on and more of the cashew.
Very sweet and calorific dessert but forget about calorie counting and being nutritious for a moment, it's Mother's Day so indulge.